Walls – How feasible is it to reuse the bricks when rebuilding a wall


I knocked down a wall (drove into it). I have had two builders along to quote for repairing this wall.

One builder says that he can reuse the bricks to rebuild the wall. The other says that there is no way he could reuse the bricks and will need to buy a new set of bricks.

I would prefer to reuse the bricks if possible because it is a lot cheaper and by reusing the bricks means they will blend in with the rest of the wall better. But obviously if reusing the bricks means it will be a shoddy job, it would be better to go with new.

So, which is it? How good a wall can you make with second hand bricks?

enter image description here

Best Answer

When someone says something isn't feasible, they usually mean "I don't have the skills", or "I can't do this cost effectively", or simply "the job looks unpleasant. Of course bricks can be reused if they're not disintegrating. It's simply a matter of whether you really want to pay for that outcome.

That said, it's probably not cheaper to reuse the bricks. Bricks are cheap. Time spent disassembling and cleaning bricks isn't (if you're paying someone else to do it). The reason you'd reuse them isn't cost, but outcome. New bricks obviously don't look the same as old ones.

The answer to your question, at its essence, is yes. You can reuse bricks. Humans have done it for centuries.

P.S. I love that you posted the damage to the wall and the car.