Walls – How to cover up this partially exposed brick


Looks like someone tried to parge this brick and then put a layer of skim coat over it? I tried to take off everything that was already crumbling off and what's left is pretty stuck on there. Any ideas?

I'm pretty new to all of this so the more detail (such as products and methods to use) the better.


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enter image description here

Best Answer

I would not even mess with that. Trying to apply some substance to the brick will be a very tricky operation.

The best option is probably to build a drywall box closely around it. Doing that guarantees that everything will be flat and easy.

Two notes:

(1) Make sure the boundary areas at the top and bottom are absolutely sealed off, not even a pencil should slip through. Otherwise such spaces can be used by rodents and other vermin to travel around inside the walls of the house.

(2) If any cords or wire would be run at any point in the future through there, install thinwall EMT as necessary and attach it to the brick so it cannot move.