Walls – How to remove glow in the dark paint from the walls


A friend of mine painted on the walls of the apartment we are staying in with glow in the dark pain, and we have to get them off of the walls because we will get fined for it. We did not realize this until just recently, and so we don't have the time or money to repaint all the walls that she painted on. She said that she might have done it way back in August of last year. Does anyone have any ideas of how to get the paint off without severely damaging the walls? And again, we do not have the time or cash to repaint all the walls.

Best Answer

You can try with soapy water. But - having removed a lot of paint, what you're hoping for is probably impossible. Even if you get the glow-in-the-dark stuff off, doing so will roughen up the underlying paint to the point that repainting is necessary.

You are stuck repainting, the question is whether you'd rather DIY or pay the landlord to do it. First, I'd confer with the landlord about his plans and see if you can come up with a compromise. Landlords don't make their money chiseling tenants out of their deposits.** They make their money having the unit rented continuously, and uneventfully, with the least downtime and maintenance expense. So see what can be worked out.

You'd definitely want a coat of quality primer like Kilz to keep the GitD paint from printing through the new topcoat. Scuff-sand the whole wall (just a few swishes with a Scotchbrite pad to knock the gloss off, especially over the GitD paint, paint does not stick to gloss); wipedown with TSP substitute to remove chemical contaminants (body oils etc.); then roll and brush on the primer. It's not a huge job, the biggest part of it is protecting your possessions and the carpet and window trim. If the carpet is scheduled for replacement, it's good to know that.

** In fact they usually lose money seizing a tenant's deposit. Their cost of doing the work is far beyond the deposit, and beyond any amount they could ever hope to collect from a typical tenant, even if they went to court. So they just say "heck with it" and move on.