Walls – How to remove screw anchors from wall


What is a recommended way to go about removing screw anchors from a wall, after they've been there for "quite some time". I tried simply pulling them out with pliers, sometimes that works but more often (since they've been there a long time) I just tear them apart with the remainer in the wall. I tried drilling through them, but that still seems like overkill, and often leaves even more damage in the wall.

What are your experiences and recommendations?

Screw anchor

enter image description here

Best Answer

If the wall is standard drywall, I would use a punch, wooden dowel or something similar and push them in. By design they are resistant to pulling out with out some wall damage. They just need to be slightly below the surface. Repairing the holes will depend on the wall finish. If it is painted then spackle as @Craig suggested, and repaint. If it has wallpaper with and intricate pattern you can try to use small pieces (providing you have some extra) cut with a paper hole puncher and glued in place.