Walls – Is it ok to splice wall sheathing partway up a wall


I am building a workshop and I have 7 vertical feet to sheathe to reach the tip of the roof. I have 4×8 sheets but they're too heavy for me to lift to the top by myself. I'm considering cutting them in half so it would be one 4 foot section and then a 3 foot section on top of that. Are there any severe disadvantages to doing this?

Best Answer

Structurally it doesn’t matter.

The Building Code allows for “Blocked” and “Unblocked” wall sheathing. The shape of the installed sheathing is not important, as long as they are not scraps less than 4 square feet.

Unblocked sheathing is common. Blocked sheathing is for extreme loads and unusual loading, (i.e.: lots of windows in a row with just a couple of feet of wall near a corner, etc.)