Walls – Is it possible to hang a bicycle from floating shelf bolts


The requirement is to hang a bike on 1" dowel mounted on floating shelf bolts. The bolts will go into studs and their length is 2.5". The bike weighs 60lb and will be 10" away from the wall. I think this isn't going to work; it'll just fall. Anyone have any experience of this?

It's basically this product https://www.amazon.co.uk/ZWEIRAD-Sticks-Copenhagen-various-Natural/dp/B01C34NZAM but a DIY version, with bigger screws.

Best Answer

To properly analyze this you'd need a good drawing of the forces acting on the system (a free-body diagram). Without seeing that, and without knowing the materials you intend to use (ex. what grade fasteners, what size fasteners, torque values, what type of wood dowels, how the bolts secure the dowels to the stud, etc.) it's incredibly difficult to say whether or not it will work.

My biggest concern is not that the bolts will fail, but that the wood dowel will break in tension. I'd be worried about the area under the fastener head. If you can provide a drawing, I'll try to edit this answer to be more specific.