Walls – Is this wall load bearing? Blueprints and photos attached


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I would like to remove the highlighted wall on the second floor of my house in order to create a loft area.

Please help me identify if I'm dealing with a load bearing wall.

Best Answer

Disclaimer: I'm not a structural engineer, nor should you believe the word of a internet stranger. Contact a local structural engineer to take a look so you don't bring the house down.

A few details point to the wall visible in the photo being load bearing:

  • There is a beam in the open bit next to the wall. This implies something is worth supporting up there.
  • The sloped ceiling implies the roof is right above it. Roofs need supporting.
  • The blueprints mention a column in the corner instead of just letting them butt into each other. This is only needed when that column is supporting a load.

  • Finally the blueprints have that wall shaded like they have the outer walls while the other inner walls are blank. Outer walls are nearly always load bearing, while inner walls rarely are.

The walls around the closet are unlikely to be load bearing.