Walls – Please help stock literally screw stuck in wall


Hello I purchased the wall unit and it was free-floating I had to mounted on the wall I don't like the unit so I took it down there was seven screws that went very deep into the wall I took out six of them one is stuck in there I cannot get it out I've used electric drill I've used hammer and pliers I do use needle nose pliers and twist I have been the bar up and back to try to loosen the screw I believe I've done maybe 2 1/2 rotations to the left for it to come off the wall I have to get this screw out of the wall so I could take care of the damage that he already has made I have been the bar which I don't want to do because I'm trying to resell this piece can someone please help me tell me what I should do nothings working. Desperate on the lake DVA

Best Answer

Get a pair of ViceGrips. Fasten very tightly on the head of the screw and use them to turn the screw out.