Walls – remove a 32″ portion of a supporting wall


enter image description hereUpdate: Hopefully for better understanding, The wall showing the electric wall switch plate ( will note this wall as 'A'), I want to eliminate 32" from its end holding the 'Half wall' (will be wall 'B').

I would add two 2×10 the length of Wall (A) and tie it into to support Wall (B) but again 32" would be non supportive. So the electric plate would be removed etc.

Hopefully this makes it more clear.

I want to remove 32" of a supporting wall which connects to a supporting wall with two 2x10s which will hang 32" with no end support at the end but connect into the other supporting wall. The issue is the other supporting wall currently is a half wall that marries into the wall I want to remove the 32" from.

Simply, there will be an L shape with no under beam support for 32 inches, on one wall and the other wall which is a half wall now, will have 6 foot of un-support although the two 2x10s together which will further be 10 foot long married into the first supporting wall should support it.

This is a ranch-style home with no upstairs, just a low attic but ceiling rafter do connect on to that half wall.

Any help suggestions I would appreciate.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Any time you want to change, remove or do anything to a load bearing wall it is best to call a structural engineer to make sure you do not do something that can't be fixed or creates a dangerous situation for the occupants for that structure. 1 cut too many can cause a disaster. my 2 cents