Walls – Single stud removal


I have a 2 story house with basement built in 1904 and I'm wanting to create a doorway into a bedroom from the living room.

Through the center of the house is the wall which is load bearing. The wall is 26 feet in length and the door placement will be approximately 4 feet or so from the one end.

I am just wondering with removal of one stud to create the door do I need to angle in supports till I'm done or is the removal of that stud going to matter while I put in header and jack studs?

Best Answer

General prudence dictates that you support adequately while working. I'd punch through the wall on both sides and set mini walls, so that you can install a header etc unhindered and be able to remove more than one stud easily.

And even if you don't fear something catastrophic, just maintaining the ceiling height before you stick something new in is a big deal.

Side tips, if you're using hydraulic jacks, know that they might creep down over time. Get an accurate elevation before you start so that you'll know what height to finish at. The plaster dust will be a curse, so enveloping the area in plastic will help.