Walls – What are some DIY alternatives to drywall that I can carry up a narrow staircase


I'm fixing up a house that's been cut into apartments, and needs a few wall and ceiling repairs due to some water damage. I'm planning on cutting out large sectons to check the extent of the water damage, so I'll be repairing large sections, not just patching.

I've hung enough drywall that I'm comfortable with it, but the stairs are so narrow that there's no way I'd be able to get a whole sheet into the upstairs without tearing out the wall (which isn't damaged) so I don't have to turn as soon as I get upstairs, or finding some way to get 'em in through the window, which even if I remove the sashes still aren't large enough to fit a sheet in.

The only other thing I can think of is plaster, as it can go up in buckets and the lath in rolls, but I'm shying away from that as I've never done plaster, and as it'll be apartments, I know from my own house that holes in plaster sucks to patch.

Am I missing any other alternatives? Are there any tricks to getting drywall into strange places other than cutting it into smaller pieces and lots of mudding?

Best Answer

What about cutting the sheets in half before you carry them up? It will give you more joints, requiring more mudding though.