Walls – What type of glue sticks to tiles


I have some hooks that has a glued surfaced attached to it. They look like this,

super hot melt adhesive hook

Image Courtesy: www.dhgate.com

I bought a lot of them. Like 50-60. I used them almost everywhere. Mostly in kitchen. The problem is my kitchen wall is has tiles on it. Its full tiles. After using 2-1 weeks some of them has fallen off the wall. After that each day 1 or 2 hooks fall. Now I have only 2 hooks left there!

2-3 days ago, I bought Silicone Sealant to attach them again. The shopkeeper told its the strongest glue that sticks to glass or tiles. But some how they dont work on my hooks and tile.

Could you tell me what type of glue should I use to stick them on tiles wall? I know the original glue comes with hooks sticks very well on wooden platform. But here my platform is tiles.

Best Answer

Your problem is probably due to impurities/dirt on the tiles - you really need to get them clean.

I used isopropyl alcohol on mine, and scrubbed them hard. As soon as they dried I applied an epoxy and the hooks are probably now attached to the tiles more strongly than the tiles are attached to the wall :-)