Hanging Posters – Best Way to Hang an Unframed Poster on a Sloping Wall Without Damage


What's the best way to hang unframed posters on a sloping wall without using tape or velcro or glue that would damage the poster? Thumb-tacks don't work too well because the poster ends up sagging between the tacks.

I'd love to find a way of attaching the posters to the wall so that they lie as flat and as close as possible to the wall without resorting to adhesives that could damage the posters or the wall.

Best Answer

I hang my posters gallery-style. Get a piece of glass (or plexi) cut to the exact size of the poster. Buy some nice hanging nails and use them to rest the glass on - one at each corner. The nails pictured below have a really nice edge, hold the glass well, and leave very little damage to the wall.

You can pick these up at a hardware store or a framing store.

I've hung entire shows this method and it's very nice. I also used to work at a gallery and this method was the preferred method for hanging flat artwork. No framing of any kind was needed.

Picture Hanging Nail