Walls – Why are some bricks crooked in the attic wall


I live in a victorian terraced house, and one of the chimney breasts has been removed at some point in the distant past. However they didn't remove the part in the roof, which was poorly supported. I'm selling the house and thus I want it removed.

Prior to doing this, I spoke to my neighbour, and went into their loft to photograph the other side of the party wall so I could check afterwards there was no obvious damage.

Roughly where the chimney is however, the bricks are all messed up. I would expect cracks in the mortar if there was any movement of the wall, but instead it sort of looks like someone has taken bricks out and then wedged/cemented them back in.

This could have occurred literally any time in the past 70 years, but I am wondering what people make of it.

It's not the greatest picture, because the loft space is very small and hard to squeeze through, but you can see something weird has happened on the left.

enter image description here

My question is – is this a warning sign that you should get it checked out, or is it simply a case of someone taking out the bricks (for any myriad reasons) and patching it back up afterwards?

Best Answer

There's a double layer brick wall between the two residences and the chimneys tied into this. It looks like when your neighbour's chimney was removed some of the bricks in the wall were disturbed and then replaced slightly crooked.

crooked bricks look untidy, but are not signifiantly weaker than perfectly aligned bricks. If there were cracks, that would be a warning sign, but crookedness by itself is not something to worry about.