Walls – Why can’t I find a stud in this wall


I have problem locating my stud in my wall. I have tried many different ways to locate my stud but the results are weird.

  1. Using Stud Finder:
    The reading results are different everytime and weird. I get stud reading at higher location but than no reading right below. Please see attached image for the reading results

  2. Using Magnet:
    I use magnet to find the metal screws/nails but I found out all the screws/nails are 8in apart. Please see attached image I have mark all the screws I found mark with blue tape.

  3. Knocking:
    The entire wall sounds the same to me.

  4. Electrical Outlets
    I have two outlets on the wall. I open the cover but some how I can not tell if is attached to the stud or not and I use stud finder but I got not reading either from the left or right.

I was able to locate studs from other wall in my room but not this one.

I'm really appreciate if anyone can help me out on this weird wall.

enter image description here

Best Answer

The safest approach is to actually cut the wall open and see what you are really dealing with. While it involves drywall repair and paint, it also doesn't involve heavy fragile expensive items being hung based on conjecture. While the wall could be brick, it could also be studs (steel or wood) with resilient channel (somewhat age of building and local building practices dependent) - one of the features of resilient channel is better sound isolation, which is good for a party (common) wall. But some places a party wall is nearly always going to be 18" or more of masonry for fire purposes.

The wall shown here uses resilient channel, which is what I was looking for an image of, but also some other techniques that may well not apply.

You may find that you can "see" the resilient channel (or furring, as it may also be) better changing the studfinder direction (turn it 90 degrees, and sweep up and down)

Sound control wall with resilient channel A piece of resilient channel on a stud