Walls – Will nailing vinyl over the wall ruin the paint over time


I have some noisy neighbors and my landlord has given me permission to nail mass loaded vinyl over the offending window. The vinyl will remain in place for about 6 months. Is there any risk that over time the vinyl could stick to the paint and ruin the wall when I take it off?

Best Answer

You need to know how fresh the paint on that wall is and what the sheen of the paint is (matte, satin, semigloss, etc). Paint that is glossy and less that.. 6 months old will tend to still stick to things that are hung on the wall (I made up that time frame, but feels right to me). Even matte paint can have this issue, but it's far less likely.

A good option might be to hang up builders paper (basically kraft paper like grocery bags are made of) to provide an intermediate layer between the paper and the vinyl. The paper can still stick to very fresh paint, but it is less likely to do so.