Water – Basement Subfloor for Moisture Problems


I have a slight moisture problem in the basement. During really torrential rainstorms of 5+ inches of rain, sometimes water seeps up though the concrete floor in the basement. I'm looking at installing floating vinyl and am looking at these two subfloors:


Here's my question: I don't understand how these products work! Right now with the bare concrete whenever the water shows up, its open air and it dries out on it's own. Carpet won't work because wet carpet-yuk. And Sheet Vinyl I fear would trap any mostire, ruin the adhesive and develop some unseen problem that will grow over time.

I can't wrap my head around these products. They come recommended by others in the same situation, but their statements seem contradictory. "creates a waterproof barrier" "so the moisture evaporates instead of being trapped" how can the moisture safely be allowed to evaporate out, while being trapped beneath a water proof barrier?

Please explain to me how these work! Thanks!

Best Answer

Concrete is porous, so as much as it allows water to seep in, it will also allow it to seep back out when the surrounding ground dries. If you are seeing so much water that opening the door allows it to run out, then I would recommend a sump pump and a perimeter drain to catch and remove the water before it gets into the basement.