Water – Boiler Combi 24 pressure indicator always point to 0


I have a Boiler Combi 24 (UK) and this morning I just noticed that the pressure indicator is pointing to 0. However everything is working fine, I have heating and hot water.

Usually when the pressure is at 0 the boiler indicates (Failure) and there is no heating / hot water..

  • I have tried to reset the Boiler but no luck
  • I have tried draining the boiler, once all the water got out the Boiler indicates Failure, which is fine, and then I have open the looping thing to make the pressure go up. It did go up because the boiler started working again but the pressure indicator is still stuck at 0.

Can someone explain me why the indicator is always at 0 ? Is it broken ? Is there something stuck in the pipes ?

(Note that 5 days ago I had a new shower installed in my bathroom and some plumbing work was done in there, not sure if that can help debugging the situation)

Here's the bottom of the boiler, with the meter:

Bottom of combi boiler

Here's a closeup of the meter:

Possibly broken pressure indicator

Best Answer

Almost surely what is broken is the manometer itself.

Assuming that boiler has low-pressure pressostat.

If radiators work -> there is sufficient pressure in primary loop
If DHW works (assuming is instantaneous) -> there is sufficient pressure in primary loop (DHW exchanger is connected by 3-way to primary loop)

If the boiler doesn't do 'pounding' noise (air bubbles due to low pressure) or boiler doesn't gives an error it mean that pressure is enough high not to cause issues.

The only thing that can be broken is the manometer itself.

Try with a rubber hammer try to gracefully hit the manometer (caring not to hit the glass) to see if gets unstuck.

I wouldn't even fix it if boiler gives a specific error: I can restore the pressure 'little by little' and, as soon as the error goes away I'll give little more pressure (1 second of feed open). Boiler can safely work between 500 and 3000 hPa, so there's enough margin to operate it.

You can ask your plumber to fix it at yearly boiler maintenance, there's absolutely no urgency.

EDIT: Try to: close home water supply then purge at least 3L from a radiator purge valve and see if pressure goes down. If it does your boiler has a faulty pressure release valve (has to be fixed as soon as possible), if gauge doesn't move it's a stuck manometer

It also looks like all valves (flow, return and fresh-water) are closed -> is your system running?