Water – Bottom few inches of drywall got wet, but wall looks fine. Do I have to replace that drywall


So my basement bathroom backed up, and some water (mild sewage too I guess) spilled to floor, and made its way under the wall. I have sprayed enough mold killer, and Clorox to kill an elephant, and so far I see no issues. When I tap on the drywall it also feels fine. It is painted in case that matters.

What I really want to know is if I have to replace the drywall of the bathroom? The other side of that wall is not drywall and I am replacing it anyways. (I hope that makes sense).

Best Answer

I would not replace the drywall for 1 short term “flood” We don’t know what kind of drywall at this point, water resistant can actually Handel water better than standard Sheetrock, my concern would be more getting it sanitized more than mold but it sounds like you have cleaned it up, if you don’t see wrinkles going up the wall the Sheetrock was probably not affected. When you see wrinkles were the gypsum absorbs the water and swells that’s when Sheetrock looses its strength but that takes some time.

I think you are fine to leave it in place.