Water – Can you use aluminum foil around gap at floor of hot water tank then seal


Fairly big gap at floor around pipes of hot water tank. For mice prevention I read some where you could fill gap with aluminum foil then seal. Is this correct. If so what kind of sealant should be used? Need help right away. Not sure but I think they might be chewing the insulation. Right now I’m using cotton balls soaked in Peppermint Oil, undiluted, in small glass containers (3) around the hot water tank. I did find 1 mouse that came through a gap around an electrical outlet. Had Peppermint Oil placed on floor under the outlet. The mouse died within 15 minutes. Haven’t seen any more but that’s not to say there may be more. What can I use to seal around the electrical outlet. I’ve got it covered with duct tape now. I’m elderly and disabled and live alone with my dog. I’ve been doing minor repairs myself but these 2 situations I have no idea what to do other than keep using Peppermint Oil which, by the way, I have sitting all around the house in strategic places such as doors, windows, under beds and furniture, behind fridge washer dryer stove, cabinets drawers, shelves high and low, all corners and especially under kitchen and bathroom plumbing. I’m a little paranoid about ants and other creepy crawlers as well as mice.

Best Answer

I think your best bet would be to get a can of spray foam sealant. It expands to tightly seal gaps. It's very easy to use and you can get it just about everywhere. It won't smell as good as your peppermint oil but will probably do a better, more permanent job. Good luck.