Water – causing these water “trails” on inside of exterior wall


The bedroom at the back of my house (North facing) has what I would describe as persistent water "trails" on the inside surface. They are faint, but noticeable. The "trails" run from the ceiling, and are basically found on the entire wall.

I do not think the wall is insulated. To my knowledge, it is double-brick, finished with plaster and lath.

I am wondering what could be causing these and how to remedy?

I first thought they were surface stains, but they did not wipe away. I then thought they must be condensation, since the effect seems more pronounced in the winter. But it's only on the one wall (not on other walls of same room, or any other walls in house), so now I am not so sure.

I have seen these "trails" for a couple of years now, and recently noticed they seem more tacky. So I am now thinking the actual cause may be water seeping into the wall behind the paint.

The problem is, I cannot find any source of water into my home that might explain this. On a recent rainy day I checked both the outside of this same wall, and the attic space above – I did not see any obvious evidence of water problems anywhere.

The wall in question
enter image description here

Detail of a section of water "trails" (just left of bookcase in 1st photo)
enter image description here

outside view of the same wall (2nd floor)
enter image description here

view of attic space directly above the wall in question
enter image description here

Best Answer

I wanted to comment on this but don't have enough reputation.

My childhood house had these marks in the basement on interior walls. They looked just like the marks in your picture. They only occurred on walls near my bathroom where people generally took long, hot showers.

I'm not saying this is the cause, but for me they clearly had a correlation with the steam from the shower. The more long and hot showers were taken the more visible the marks seemed to be.

Again, not really intending this as a good answer, but I cannot comment.