Water – Ceiling wet at corner of chimney


Whenever it rains, the ceiling becomes wet at the corner of the chimney.

enter image description here

I ASSUME it's just a small leak, but obviously I don't want it to become any worse. I have a flat roof, so getting up there and doing some work is pretty easy for me. Any suggestions on what I need to do? My Googlefu has come up with this plan of attack:

  1. Repair and cracks I find in the morter with masonry sealant.
  2. Spray the chimney with water repellent.
  3. Caulk where flashing meets the chimney with flashing sealant.

Best Answer

98% of small leaks are water getting into the flashing area between the chimney and the flashing or the flashing and the shingles.

The flashing sealant you have should work fine - although you need to make sure for a caulking type sealant that this is applied liberally and squeezed into the gaps. I often use FlexSeal for smaller leaks because of its expanding properties.

If you post a picture of your chimney I can highlight where you need to seal.