Water – Central A/C Draining Causing Stagnant Water – Dry Well


I have a central air system with a condensate drain line that exits my home near the actual AC compressor on the side of my house. The original installers put in a cement cylinder that the line drains into, but its never been very effective at draining the water consistently (likely due to hard clay soils). This has become a stagnant water/mosquito concern and I am evaluating other options. Unfortunately I do not have a good outlet to re-route the line to – if I simply have it drain to surrounding walkways, the slope is likely to have the water draining up against the house. Likewise, I don't have any immediate planters to re-route it to without crossing walkways with pipes.

The last weekend I started digging out a larger surface in the drainage area thinking that perhaps I can re-route the drain line slightly and out of the existing cement cylinder to better facilitate drainage, having it drain into a larger surface area to improve saturation and drainage into existing soils.

I am at a bit of a loss if this is a good idea, however, and if there are any guides on how I should go about implementing this change. I believe from researching I would effectively be building out a dry well of sorts, but would like any recommendations to ensure that I can improve drainage to existing soils without posing issues later on during rainy season (I am in Southern California, so heavy rain is not very common). I would really appreciate any recommendations or guidance before I "dig myself too deep" into a hole!

Some pictures of my existing arrangement, hole I dug, and relative area around the drain line for reference.
Drain Line and Existing Cement Cylinder with Poor DrainageGeneral Drainage AreaHole to Possibly Convert to Dry WellAdjacent grade sloping to house prohibiting re-routing to walkway

Best Answer

We see similar things like this quite often. If the pipe is not overflowing just becoming stagnant.

Get some “summit mosquito dunks” break them in 1/2 and drop a 1/2 in every month. These are fish safe and won’t hurt plants or other animals but will eliminate the mosquitoes by killing the larva.

Depending on where you live 3 or 4 tablets will last a year (not needed in the winter months). This is safer than dropping chlorine tablets in there that may harm other critters and plants.