Water coming in, don’t know where from


I have been struggling with a water leak in a flex space I have.

I don't know where it is coming from. I have removed the bottom siding panel, the paper behind and the wood is dry, but the concrete is very wet. I live in Vancouver and it rains a lot here. At first I thought it was coming underneath the siding from capillary action, but now I am inclined to think the concrete itself is the suspect. Thoughts?

How can I fix this? Tar? waterproof paint? Do you guys think it is the concrete or something else? Only the baseboards and floor on the sides are wet inside.

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Best Answer

the reason is the shape and location of this ledge:a white ledge absolutely unsuitable for use here

Therefore, take all the ledge off, look for slits (which are taking water inside from all terrace),
seal them and if need, give on edge some suitable profile you can see here: