Water – create a water proof barrier to keep the garage & home from flooding


Every couple of years, the area where I live gets a huge storm. The result being that the flood of water that collects in the streets overpowers my driveway and runs down to my garage. I put in a large drain a few years back (6 inches) which for a moderate rainfall works fine. There are still those storms where the water is coming too fast and the drain cannot handle it and the water backs up against my closed garage door. This door is not a good barrier though as the water runs under the door and fills up my garage. Once the water gets to be about two inches deep in the garage, it starts to seep into our finished basement. In the 11 years we've been in this house, it has happened about 6 times.

I would like to find a better way to block the water from getting into my garage, and ultimately my home. Any ideas would be welcomed. I am looking into a new garage door, but I'm not sure any garage door will totally block the water and keep it out of the garage.

Best Answer

In addition to the other ideas suggested you may want to investigate installing a driveway drain that is a trough cut across the driveway and covered over with a grate. This way any water that comes to near the garage enters the trough and gets shunted to the side of the driveway. The shunted water can then pour into a large french drain or could be diverted to a downslope area.

Here is a picture of what that would look like.

enter image description here