Water – Do water lines that contain lead need to be replaced if it doesn’t flow out of a valve that I normally drink out of


A plumber had came to my house to sweat pipes to install a water valve which controlled water going to the garden spigot. Upstream to the valve is a t-joint. The other output to the t-joint went to the kitchen faucet. Now, he suggested to me that if the water line to the garden spigot on the output end of the t-joint contained lead solder or lead pipes, it would not contaminate the flow of water going to the kitchen. Instead, all of the water-contaminated lead will be used to water the grass.

Is this true??

enter image description here

Best Answer

The water supply piping in our house is copper sweated with lead-tin solder in 1971. We have lived here since 1978. Dallas water is slightly basic (ph 8 or so) and has some minerals in it that I believe would react with the lead to form an insoluble passive surface. We drink water from the taps.

I don't think you have anything to worry about.