Water – Does the PRV need to be replaced


What is an acceptable pressure drop when a faucet is opened, if the PRV is functioning correctly and all the pipes are sized right? I have a 1.25” supply transitioning to a 1” and then splitting into two 3/4” lines for the hose bibs The pressure gauge at the hose bib reads 65 psi with no water running. When I open a hose bib next to the one being monitored, the pressure drops to 40 psi. I see drops of 20-24 psi, even when if I were to open a faucet in the home instead.

Thanks for any pointers.


Best Answer

Well it depends on the system most pressure reducing valves or regulators are there to prevent problems on the customer side , 60-80 psi is normal and most faucets can Handel this pressure. I have seen 120 psi city pressure , without a pressure reducing valve or regulator there will be problems or earlier failures. Is it time to replace OR repair your regulator It sounds like a repair could take care of your problems for less than a replacement