Water – Found Well in Backyard — How to install pump


In my backyard there is this well, I think, that has water in it.

As you can see, there is a well casing and then a pipe in between. I have no idea how to install a pump and such, and am not sure where to start. I would love the idea of watering the large front yard lawn, or my garden with water.

I tried to measure the depth with a stick (I thought the water was really high up) but it fell and I did hear a splash as it hit the bottom. As you can see, there is an electrical port above, there likely was a pump here before. My neighbor also has a well and has a pump system setup for some sprinklers (I think), but I'm not sure how it works.

How would I connect a pump to the black pipe, which ends right with the well casing? The well is set in an old concrete slab.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would recommend that you call a local "well guy" and ask him the same questions. They have the expertise to do everything "well" related including determining if that pipe or casing is really for an old well. If it is a well, he may have even been the guy that drilled the original well or knows who drilled it to get the specs of that hole in the ground.