Water – Garage foundation and leakage in the floor


I found out that there was leak in my garage. And the wood is Rotten around that area and mold is growing. I started looking for any reason removed soil from outside and found out that break is broken and foundation is broken from some of the areas even plant roots was deep inside the wall. Tried to fill the gap using expanding foam but still can see the water seeping. I don’t know what to do my friend said it’s foundation issue. But I can’t afford to fix. What can I do now can I use hydraulic cement from outside? Or What can be used to stop the leak from outside ?enter image description here

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**rotten wood i felled gap with foam **

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Best Answer

Sealing it really isn't solving your problem as your house isn't a boat. Below is what I would suggest to start. This can be done yourself but I'd suggest having an engineer look at the foundation to at least give you an idea of it's condition. 1 - Make sure you're not contributing to the water problem.

  • All down spouts should be draining at least 6 feet (ideally more)
    from the structure to a spot that is either flat or continues to
    slope away from the structure. IMPORTANT NOTE - Don't use
    perforated pipe for atleast the first 6 feet(ideally more). This is one of the most common mistakes that even builders make today. Check that black pipe you have on the down spot and make sure there aren't any small holes in it.
  • If you have sprinklers, shut them off at the source for a week to see if that reduces the water. If it does, you may be overwatering or have a cracked line.
  • If this is a recent problem, check to see if your water bill has unexpectedly gone up. If so, you may have a cracked main line coming into the house.
  • If you have neighbors whose yards are higher than yours, water may be draining off of their property to yours. Depending on how close they are, they could have downspouts that are properly sloped away from their home, but are feeding stright into yours.

2 - You need to get the water draining away from the foundation. This needs to be done no matter what issues may be causing this. This can be done in a variety of ways. The proper slope away from the foundation depends on where you live. But anything will help to some degree. If you look online, you'll find a lot of information including things you can do yourself for little money, but will take some work on your part.

Update - @Anna, after looking at a couple of your other posts, and assuming this is the same house, I wanted to add a couple of notes.

  • In your crawlspace, it appears there is a concrete foundation, however you had stated that the foundation from the outside was brick. By foundation, I mean what is supporting the house underground. For a house that age, it would be somewhat odd to have a small brick foundation like the bricks you see on the outside. More common would be cinder block (gray in color, about 16 inches wide by 8 inches tall) or the concrete as you see in the crawlspace. It is possible you have both if the foundation had deteriorated (possibly due to this water issue) and so they put a "sister" foundation in next to the original foundation which is why you'd see brick on one side, and concrete on the other. Either way, the ground outside should be a good 6-12 inches below the top of the foundation. If it snows in your area, it should probably be 12 inches. Call your city permit office and ask if they know.

  • Both the recent cracking in the outer brick and the more recent popped nails mentioned in your other posts could indicate that the water problem you're seeing is getting underneath the foundation, compacting the soil, and causing it to sink ever so slightly. All is not lost, you just need to deal with the water issue, and call a structural engineer in your area to come and take a look at things. If money is an issue, focus on at least getting the water directed away from the foundation. This can be accomplished by digging a small trench with a slope away from the house. All you need is a spade shovel and time. Put the dirt on either side of the little trench to help create a ridge. You might be able to get away with digging a trench only a shove wide (10 inches) and the same amount deep. It's the Basin concept seen in the upper left of the illustration below. If you start where you already have water, you'll know you're deep enough if the water that is pooled starts going down your trench.

Here's an infographic but there's information all over the internet.

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