Water – good way to test water quality in your house


What are the best ways to test for water quality in your house? The water is from a well, not town water. Are there any products that can continuously test the water coming in (versus manually sampling the water every so often)?

Best Answer

“Water quality” is not one-dimensional … what kind of contaminats do you want to test for?

If the answer is “everything” or “I don't know” then start by finding a reputable local lab, describe your concerns to them, and see what they recommend based on their knowledge of the water in the area. Once you have done a thorough one-time test, you will have a basis for deciding what (if anything) to test for on an ongoing basis.

To find a lab, you could start by calling the water authorities in your town or surrounding towns. At least in my case, they were happy to recommend a local, independent lab.