Water – How full does a home water heater get


It's about time to replace my anode rod in my 40 gallon water heater. I am interested in trying one of these actively powered models: https://www.amazon.com/Corro-Protec-CP-R-Titanium-Powered-Heater/dp/B01H459TAK/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

because if the advert is true, this should take care of corrosion "forever", well at least with a 20 year warranty.

The major difference between this one and a standard noble-metal version, other than the fact that it's powered and made of titanium, is how short of a rod this one has. I'm assuming the rod needs to be somewhat submerged to have an effect.

How full does a home water heater usually stay? Is there a high/low water-level threshold used to determine when to control more water, or is it a continual refill?

Best Answer

A water heater stays 100% full all of the time due to the fact replacement cold water (to be heated) is being added via the cold water inlet line at the top of the water heater each time a hot water tap is opened.