Water – How to clean water softer salt tank without disconnecting


About 6mo ago, I replaced my 20+yo water softener with a Morton M34 model (resin tank inside salt tank).

When I disconnected the old one, I put all the salt from it in a box in my laundry room instead of disposing it. Well, a couple weeks ago I had the brilliant idea to reuse that old salt (bad idea). Now there is 6+in of "salt silt" in the bottom of the tank plus lots of brown floaties in the water.

I've let the salt level go down to as far as it will go on it's own and I would like to clean the rest of the "silt" out and start fresh but I can't reach the bottom of the tank to get it out.

I would prefer to not have to disconnect it and tip onto it's side if at all possible.


Best Answer

Try triggering several regeneration cycles. This may flush some of the material out. After that a wet vacuum to suck everything that is left. Added as an answer.