Water – How to deaden the sound of water dripping on metal


I live in a two story apartment complex (upstairs neighbors are REAL nice). My bedroom has an AC Box/Swamp Cooler mounted into the wall. Directly above it is a similar unit for my neighbors.

The problem is that when it gets unbearably hot (as it does during summers here) the upper unit eventually starts to drip water directly down onto the top of my unit. This creates an immensely frustrating sound in my room, as the hollow metal box in my wall echoes this consistent dripping noise, keeping me from falling asleep or enjoying the quiet in general.

I have asked the landlords if they can either repair the upstairs unit or put a barrier between the water and my unit, but their response was "Meh, swamp coolers drip, get over it."

I feel like i'm going to have to fix this problem myself and am wondering what I can do to stop the dripping.

Best Answer

If the drip is that noisy, it's probably hitting a flat horizontal spot on your unit. If you can add something to the top of your unit that is at a steep angle that the drip lands on, the drip shouldn't be as noticable.

You might be able to put a flower pot with just sand in it, or even an actual plant with soil on it on top of your unit?