Water – How to fuse galvanized sheet metal with a circular bottom together so that it is water tight


I want to make a large circular pot out of sheet metal that can hold water. How should I construct it so that it has a circular bottom and ensure it is leak-proof.

Boiling water will be poured into this pot.

Thank you

Best Answer

Soldering is the usual method, but without metal-forming equipment I'd guess you don't have, that's not going to be a likely (or affordable) road to success for someone with no experience, for any value of large.

Buy a galvanised washtub or trashcan is the direct, simple route to a watertight circular metal "pot" over a wide range of sizes. Move into "stock watering tanks" for a larger size, though most of those are more oval. Without exhaustive shopping around:

17 gallons, $30: small wash tub

31 gallons, $19, with lid: enter image description here

This one is 477 gallons, circular, and costs $219. round stock tank

Now I've gone and started to think that would make a nice country-style hot tub, and the price is so right...