Water – How to locate and eliminate thesterious water hammer related to humidifier

humidifierwater hammer

In the morning, early, when my thermostat kicks back up, I hear a banging/rattle sound that I've determined is related to my humidifier. It only lasts about 10 seconds so by the time I get down to the basement it's gone. Turning on/off the humidifier doesn't recreate it either. When I turn off the humidifier completely it doesn't happen at all. I thought it may be the solenoid but still scratching my head. Currently I've been turning off the humidifier at night since it's super annoying to wake up to. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot/fix? The humidifier is the basic bypass type. The humidistat is also basic mechanical.

update Solved with a Sioux Chief 660-TC0 1/4' Icemaker Water Hammer Arrestor Tee from Amazon. Thanks to suggestion from user19919 below

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Best Answer

We got on Amazon and Plumber's Outpost carries Sioux 660-TCO Mini-Rester. It says it is for and ice maker. We have a 550 Aprilaire Humidifier and couldn't believe how easy it was to install! The smallest Home Depot carries is for 1/2 tubing. They gave me info on how to cut the copper pipe and hook the mini-rester to the humidifier. I had to buy a pipe cutter and small box of copper pipe, along with small brass washers for copper pipe (don't know what they are called). It cost me less than $50.00 for everything, and less that 30 minutes to attach it. I couldn't believe how easy it was! Not bad for a housewife!