Water – How to prevent water from running behind the gutters and under shingles near a wall


I've been troubleshooting some issues have been having with water getting into my basement. Today I took a hose out to try and find out how water is getting behind my gutters and believe I found some potential culprits.

A) In the first 2 pictures you can see there is some space between the drip edge and gutter. I think water is sneaking in there. Are there any DIY options to fix this? Could something like a gutter apron be slide under the shingles to help get it into gutters?

B) In the last 2 pictures you can see the siding and brick meet up with roof on this part of the house. I think the water is getting between them, running down, and then pouring out under the gutters. What options do I have to prevent water from getting in there? Just getting flashing installed? Is flashing a DIY project? It seems like something that may need professional installation.

Thank you!

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Best Answer

You will probably need professional assistance with this one. Whether there is a drip edge or not, the shingles should overhang the edge of the roof by about an inch. The bigger issue is that there is no brick flashing cut into the side of the brick where it meets the roof in the second two pictures. Some shingles are going to have to come up to correct these problems. A proper brick flashing should look something like this photo.

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