Water – How to protect hardwood floors from a deep freezer defrosting


I want to get a small deep freezer for my kitchen upstairs. I have hardwood floors and I am concerned about potential water damage from a power outage and the freezer defrosting and getting water all over my floor.

Is there any type of mat or covering that would protect the floors in the event that this might happen?

Best Answer

I am sure they sell large pans somewhere but that shouldn't be a concern. Your freezer should be contained, in that if there is a power outage and everything melts - the water should stay in your freezer.

Note: I have to think if I was putting a deep freezer on my hardwoods I would lay it on an area rug. Even insulated the freezer bottom is pretty cold comparatively so I would try to bridge that temperature gap. I would not worry about spillage though. Although you could test this before bringing it in your house with a hose.