Water – How to repair and waterproof a large crack in the foundation wall


I recently just bought a house which was nice at first! Now after 5 month, it is now spring. We had a good rainfall which flooded my basement from the floor up because of a high water table (sump pump runs quite frequently) and a Crack in a corner in the floor. When digging the next day on the exterior of the basement wall, we found that one of the cracks in the foundation is actually worse when uncovered! This Crack is the size of the whole basement foundation (roughly 6 ft vertical) along with a decent hole.


Is it OK to fill up the gap inside the cement block all the way up the wall with cement

Any other solutions you guys can provide

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Best Answer

If your question is simply "is it ok", sure, it's ok. It may not seal the leak, though, and it may crack again if your home experiences seasonal movement due to an inadequately deep foundation or other issues.

You should probably consult with a local expert to find a solution that's appropriate for your climate and soil, and not throw darts at the problem. An exterior patch along with a waterproof membrane might be cheaper, easier, and less expensive, for example.