Water – How to stop the dripping from a concrete ceiling


My uncle built a concrete bunker in the side of a hill over 50 years ago. The shelter seemed to be free of any leaks until just recently in which there is a steady drip in a few spots in the ceiling. With no rain for several months, the water must be coming from a spring in the hillside. Is there a sealer that could be applied to the concrete to eliminate the water from seeping through the concrete? If so, would the entire ceiling need to sealed or just in the area of the water stains?enter image description here

Best Answer

I don't know how well it works but there are companies that will drill holes through the concrete and then inject a waterproofing agent under high pressure. This is normally done for walls but I'd guess could work for a ceiling. It might even work better as for a ceiling as it won't sink down the wall outside.

If you search for "concrete waterproofing injection" you will find lots of companies selling the service and some reviews (good and bad). I've never done it. I looked into it a while back when I had a basement leak but I solved it another way.