Water – How to stop the radiators “clicking” when they’re turned on or off

central-heatingheatingnoise reductionradiatorwater-circulating-heating

I have a central heating system on a timer, and whenever the timer turns on or off, for around ten / fifteen minutes, some of the radiators in my home make regular clicking noises, kinda hollow-sounding, coming from inside.

I've done some research and it seems that it's something to do with the hot and cold combining and something growing, shrinking, or similar.. is that correct?

I've already bled all of the radiators and there's no excess air in them.

What else can I try?

Best Answer

This is the sound of metal pipes and radiator components expanding and contracting. As they do so, they rub against other fixed parts, like wood framing, brackets, etc. If they stick slightly, you'll hear a popping or clicking sound as they stick and unstick from the friction against this expansion and contraction. So the solution is to locate any points that are making sounds, ensure they have space to freely expand and contract, and eliminate any points that may stick by either changing how it's attached to the structure, or changing the materials to eliminate the friction.