Water – How to treat and store an unused water heater to protect it


We have turned off one of our gas water heaters because we simply have low demand. What we wonder about is how to treat the mothballed heater? Should we leave the water in it? switch between water heaters monthly or at all? What problems with the water itself will occur if we do not use a water heater?

What is the best scheme to keep the unused heater in good shape so as to be a replacement should the other heater fail?
Thanks for your help,
E. Underwood

Best Answer

I would be 100% sure that the power is disconnected (or the gas supply and controls are turned off), then drain it completely. Water heaters should be drained annually anyway to purge sediment, so this won't hurt a thing.

Take precautions to be sure that power won't be reconnected until the heater is completely full of water to avoid damage to heating elements.