Water – How tonstall Gutters Under This Roof


Looking for advice on how to install (or if I should install) gutter under this roof.

This is a back porch that sticks out from the house. Unfortunately the basement does extend under the porch, so the main reason for wanting to drain away water here is to keep the runoff away from the basement.

I already had issues with the basement wall being forced inwards by freezing/expanding water over the years (house was built in 1930). I would like to prevent this from happening again.

The roof doesn't seem to have a normal fascia board, with the roof edge sticking about 3 inches past the existing board. Maybe I should use hangers with straps? Or maybe I should use shims behind the gutter to position them in the correct place?

The other issue is where to put the downspout. The ends of the porch are away from any sort of structure to attach a downspout to. I think I probably need to wrap the gutter around the corner of the roof and have the downspout come down by the house. I would have a similar problem here: how to I hang the gutter?

Roof without normal fascia board

Best Answer

Your situation is not that uncommon.

For the hangers, you may use roof mounted brackets / hangers or you may add blocking behind them as the other answer suggested.

You can also have a custom made gutter that has an angled flange that sticks under the shingles and sits on the roof, or just have a deeper gutter that sits against that fascia.

As suggested by @riseagainst using the columns or rain chains is your best bet.

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