Water – How water proof is concrete


I'm looking to buy living quarters in this basement level apartment. The only doubts I have are because some ~5 years ago, there was a giant flood in the city and had this building been couple blocks down the road, the basement would have been underwater.

Now there is already good ventilation from the common system on the roof of the building, there are no windows and I'm planning to install a heavy duty water proof door. All that remains is the concrete, the apartment is basically a concrete box all over, I looked around and didn't see any cracks or crevices but how likely is it that the entire 62m2 worth of concrete wall, floor and ceiling is completely water proof?

Best Answer

Concrete on its own is a porous material. It may slow water down, but will not stop it. It is possible that the outside of the wall is waterproofed, but it's not a guaranteed.