Water – Is it time to replace the water heater

energy efficiencysaving-moneywater-heater

I have a 20+ year old, 115 gallon, electric water heater. Works like a champ, but I'm considering replacing it for a couple of reasons.

  1. It's leased – I pay $20/mo.
  2. It's 115 gallons for a house with 3 adults
  3. It's 20 years old

Based on that high level criteria, I'm looking to replace it with an energy smart, 50-gallon, electric water heater – specifically – this one

Does this seem like a reasonable idea? I'm looking to save money, obviously, over the long run between eliminating the monthly bill and the energy savings.

Best Answer

The math says that you should replace the water heater - especially if you can install yourself.

In my opinion the water heater should be sized for the house - how many faucets/bathrooms?, not how many people are currently living in it.

If you are looking to downsize, save money, be green... I would go tankless. Here is an example. Also Tester makes a good point going natural gas. If you have gas chances are it runs by your current heater so it might be worth looking into.

Tankless water heater calculator

Sizing a water heater