Water – Loud thumping sounds coming from radon pipe


Our house had an existing radon pipe (passive) and high radon levels. We had a radon mitigation company assess the system. He installed a fan to the existing pipe. The fan is in the attic. Since the fan was installed, there is a loud thumping noise coming from the walls 24/7. It’s coming from the radon pipe – you can hear it inside the house AND outside the house coming from the radon pipe. The pipe exits the roof above our master bedroom. The fan is installed in the attic. When you place ear to wall you can hear water in the pipe. It’s so loud that it keeps you awake at night. I want a radon system that works. Should we start over or is there a way to fix this problem? Is the water being pulled into the pipe from under the basement floor? We have a finished walkout basement.

Best Answer

Without seeing the details of your piping, can't say for sure where the water might be coming from. But, the "intake" pipe for the radon exhaust, usually coming off of a sump pump well or pit, should not be going into any water.

Our previous house had a similar radon mitigation system, but we never had to use it. The lower part of the pipe connected to a tight fitting lid on the sump well. It did NOT go down into the well itself, and so was never near the water that was in the sump well.