Water – Most efficient garden irrigation for rainbird kit


I am using Rainbird brand irrigation kit to water my garden and am trying to find the optimal layout for the sprayers. The kit i bought connects from a standard garden hose to the 1/4" hose that can be configured with about 12 sprayer/bubblers attached. Problem is i'm losing pressure about halfway though the setup.

Here is the current setup. I begin to lose pressure around the third set of sprayers. the last four have little to no water coming out:

enter image description here

I'm thinking of actually forking at the water source before the sprayers, then having 6 on each branch instead of one line trying to power all 12. So something like this:
enter image description here

Which one would be a more efficient use of water? Or is there another setup i should try? Maybe every sprayer has it's own line off the main line?

Best Answer

Having that many heads on at 1 time you may not be able to get proper coverage.

I would defiantly say the branched setup so you can run half at a time if needed.

It’s not so much efficiency but coverage that will be effected. Or possibly our terminology needs to match.

Separate branches run independently will cover more area and provide a more even coverage pattern.