Water – Pipe drips water on the exterior porch


So, there's this pipe sticking out of the wall between my garage and the front porch. Occasionally, an amount of water seeps out of it, enough to pool eventually though I've never seen any water "running" out of it, unrelated to any weather, seems clear (though when the pool dries, there seems to be some residue left behind).

I have no idea what it might be draining from. There is nothing on the garage side of the wall (though the water heater/furnace is along that same wall in another corner, maybe 15' away).

Any input would be appreciated, and most importantly – does the draining indicate some problem that I need to deal with?

Thanks![enter image description here]1

Thanks to all who provided input. It looks like a lazy contractor pushed the drain line out the wall at the point of the concrete patio, instead of running it another 10' where it could have been pushed out the front-facing garage wall (where the drip would have landed on dirt).

I'll get a HVAC/plumbing guy to come and answer the question (what appliance is being drained, whether the amount draining indicates some kind of soon-to-be problem). But yes, management of any outflow will be dealt with via a planter of some kind, rather than redirecting the line at this late date.

For those who might be curious, I captured outflow for the last 7 hours (0630-1330): 26 oz of clear water, no visible residue. Over that period, used water heater (hubby ran a large bath, I took a long shower, ran dishwasher) and the furnace (relatively briefly after being off overnight). What that might tell anyone, I have no idea (!) but there it is.

Best Answer

I would bet against this being the regular drain for the air conditioner/furnace. The A/C creates a lot of water, and only the most inept remodeler would allow that to drain on a finished porch like that.

I had almost the same situation in a house and the dripping pipe came from the water heater's temperature/pressure relief valve and that had to be replaced ($20, not bad). The other option would be that it is from the A/C but its the secondary "overflow" drain that drips when the main drain is clogged. These are sometimes placed in visible areas so that you can see them dripping.

To answer your last question, I would assume that yes, dripping from such a conspicuously placed pipe does indicate a problem that should be addressed.