Water – Plumber told me it’s unsafe to drain the water heater — what should I do


We are new homeowners. Our 11-year-old 2nd-floor water heater was leaking and the first plumber who came told us he would need to come back with a partner to take it away. I asked if I could drain it in the meantime and he said that doing so could disturb the sediment at the bottom of the tank causing a much worse leak and likely water damage. He said he usually removes leaking water heaters without draining the water till they're outside the house.

This sounded like a recipe for disaster, and it probably would have been. As commenters and the correct answer below say, if you're ever told this, at the very least:


The plumber who came today said that in 20 years he has never had problems draining a water heater, and he drained ours without incident. It was then easy to remove and replace.

Best Answer

Ranch experience says, shut off the power and the cold water inlet valve, drain the thing and leave it sit empty.

Get out your biggest Dutch Oven, fill it with water, heat it and take sponge baths. If you're out of clothing, go to the nearest laundromat and process your smalls and whatever else you're running out of.

Whatever this "Home Warranty" thing is, as "The Evil Greebo" points out, you probably have other coverage that will be more useful in a timely manner.

And find a plumber that isn't going to hand truck a full tank of water down stairs when you could run a hosepipe out the nearest window and water the lawn.

Make sure he's licensed, bonded and insured in case you decide that "50 Gallon Air Drop" is a viable way of removing this water heater.