Water pressure problems


I was going to remove a tub so I turned off what looked like in my basement, but that one just seems to spin and spin and spin. The hot water valve closed and 2 other secondary from that main looking line I closed ( water to the damn tub never stopped…. but every other water faucet shower and toilet in house stopped…) So anyways I went to open everything back up and now have very little pressure if 1 faucet is on. And weaker as I turn others on (hot or cold) it's on a pump and drainfield system the 1 faucet for sure I can't get any stronger is the kitchen sink… That's weak.. peroiod…

Best Answer

It probably just dislodged some rust and build-up from the inside of the pipes, especially if they are older.

Clean out the aerators on the faucets. These are the filters that screw on at the tip of the faucet. Normally just take them apart and rinse them out, make sure not to wash any important pieces down the drain.