Water pump stops drawing water in few hours everyday


I have a water pump which draws water from a creek to irrigate the lawn. It had run for four months without problems. Starting last week, I notice that the pump would draw water for few hours only. Then, it would stop drawing, though still running, water. I turn off the pump, wait till the next morning, turn on the pump, and it would work for few hours before stopping drawing water again.

What could be the problem?

Best Answer

You may have leaves or water creatures plugging the intake and the pump is overheating and shutting down. My farm used to have a 30 hp pump as I have water rights and every week or two I would have go pull the foot (a check valve in the water with a screen around it) and scrape off leaves and salamanders that got stuck. I now run a smaller pump with the same foot valve and screen and it doesn’t draw hard enough to plug up like it did with the big pump. So I would check for restrictions as that may be overheating the pump and a thermal safety may be protecting the motor.